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Reader Testimonials
“Presenting large, complex contexts in a comprehensible way is not an easy skill – but Jörg Starkmuth manages to do it playfully.”
Stefan Pitka

The Making of RealityGet a FREE copy of “The Making of Reality”

When I published the original German edition of „The Making of Reality“, I was completely surprised by its immediate success. Being a self-publisher with no considerable marketing budget, all I did was start a Google ad campaign – and the books started selling at a rapidly growing rate, reaching up to 30 copies per day at the peak. The success turned out to be driven mainly by word of mouth – the best, cheapest and most honest kind of advertising you can get. After a while, one of Germany’s biggest paperback publishers (Goldmann, a division of Random House) discovered the book and published an equally successful paperback edition.

You can imagine that I was happy and somewhat proud. However, this caused me to be overly optimistic in my belief that it would be easy to reproduce this success for the English edition published a few years later. It was not. I totally underestimated the differences between the German and the international market, as well as the difficulties of selling an English book from Germany. The number of copies I sold with my international Google campaign (and a Facebook campaign) did not even cover the campaign costs. Yet, the success of the German edition as well as feedback from readers of the English edition convinced me that it’s definitely not the book’s fault.

That’s why I came up with an unusual idea to get the word-of-mouth wave started: I’m going to give away a whopping 1000 copies of the book for free.

Yes, that’s right. I want this book to finally conquer the market, so I’m laying the seed. And you can get it now without paying a cent for your copy. You can even get an entire box with 16 copies to give away to your friends.

There are only two conditions: (1) You pay the actual shipping costs and (2) if you like the book, spread the word.

Shipping costs for Single copy Box of 16 copies
Germany 2.65 € 12.90 €
Europe (economy / ground shipping) 6.50 € 33.00 €
World (priority / air mail) 8.00 € 68.00 €

These costs cover the actual postage plus 1.00 € for packaging. Note that the regular shipping rates for the book are discounted, hence the difference. Shipping costs are not refundable.

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